How Bad is it When you have Multiple DUIs

If somebody is convicted of multiple DUIs in Sacramento, California, they are facing mandatory jail time as well as probation classes and an ignition interlock device in Los Angeles County. A first-time DUI does not include mandatory jail time in most cases. However, a second-time DUI does, and the way to get around the mandatory jail time is to avoid a second DUI conviction. If somebody gets a second DUI, the minimum jail time according to state law is 96 hours. The jail time on a second offense goes from 96 hours up to a maximum of one year. If someone were to be convicted of a third DUI, the mandatory minimum jail time is 120 days.

If convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) in California, the penalties you’ll face depend on a number of circumstances. The facts of the case and characteristics of the offender—often categorized as “aggravating and mitigating factors”—normally come into play whether the conviction results from a plea bargain or jury verdict. But the maximum and minimum penalties a judge can impose are set by statute. In large part, these allowable sentencing ranges depend on the number of prior DUI convictions the defendant has.

In California, a DUI generally counts as a prior conviction for ten years. So, a DUI that occurred more than ten years ago disappears for purposes of determining whether a current DUI is a second or subsequent offense.

When a defendant is convicted of driving under the influence in California for the first time, the potential penalties are as follows: Informal (otherwise known as "summary") probation for three to five years, Up to six months in county jail, Between $390-$1,000 in fines, A three- or nine-month court-approved alcohol and/or drug education program (AB541 class), The judge may order that the defendant install an IID in his/her car for six months.

The consequences of a second California DUI conviction within ten years include: Three to five years of summary probation, A minimum of 96 hours to a maximum of one year in county jail, Between $390-$1,000 in fines, Completion of an 18-month or 30-month court-approved California DUI school, and Mandatory IID installation for one year, during which time the defendant can drive anywhere; otherwise, the DMV will suspend the defendant's license for two years that may be converted to a restricted license after one year.

Fines range from $390 to $1,000, but a variety of fees and “penalty assessments” will significantly increase the amount the offender actually pays. Penalties for a third DUI in California also include three to five years of probation, an 18-month DUI school, and a three-year license suspension.

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